Når jeg handler it-udstyr på nettet anvender jeg http://www.edbpriser.dk/ for at finde billigste webshop jeg har tiltro til. Jeg handler sjældent/aldrig hos webshops jeg slet ikke kender eller har hørt om.
Jeg står og skal have købt 4 stk harddiske til min NAS, enten 2 TB eller 3 TB så jeg checker pt ofte priserne da de er meget svingende for tiden. I et stykke tid har http://www.bj-trading.com/ haft laveste pris på en 2 TB HD og det passede mig fint da jeg har handlet hos dem flere gange. Så en dag dukkede et nyt navn op som de billigste, http://www.compware.dk/. Jeg kender dem ikke men ville da lige checke dem. Med det samme kunne jeg se at jeg havde set deres webshop før og ganske rigtigt det var præcis samme shop wom BJ-Tradings bare med et andet stylesheet og logo samt meget mindre information om virksomheden. Yderligere opgav Compware BJ-Tradings adresse som deres egen, både i bunden af alle sider samt som fysisk adresse. Yderligere hostes begge websites på samme webserver, ikke i sig selv et bevis men alligevel pudsigt.
En mail til Compware og BJ-Trading for at kaste lys over dette:
Min mail:
>Da jeg sad og checkede harddisk priser faldt jeg over noget meget pudsigt.
>Jeg fandt denne webshop og da jeg har handlet en del gange hos BJ-Trading kunne jeg med det samme se at dette site lignede meget og adressen i bunden af siden matchede den på BJ-Trading.
>Compware webshop pris kr 867
>BJ Trading webshop pris kr 1045
>Det rejser så nogen spørgsmål hos mig:
>1: Er Compware = BJ-Trading og hvorfor er der så forskellige priser? Når jeg leder efter billigste pris på en vare så går jeg uden om webshops jeg ikke kender og i ovenstående eksempel ville jeg så vælge BJ-Trading. Men hvis Compware = BJ-Trading så føler jeg mig godt og grundigt snydt hvis der i flere år har været forskel i pris på de 2 webshops.
>2: Hvis Compware = BJ-Trading hvad får man så IKKE hvis man handler hos Compware ?
>Da dette gør at jeg indtil videre vil holde mig fra begge webshops håber jeg I vil kaste lys over dette.
resulterede i følgende svar fra Compware:
>Vi har ikke noget med B.J.Trading og gøre.
>Med venlig hilsen
>Compware Aps
Spørgsmål tilbage til dem om hvorfor de så oplyser BJ-Tradings adresse på deres side er ikke blevet besvaret. BJ-Trading har heller ikke svaret min mail.
Efter min mening lugter dette langt væk og rejser følgende spørgsmål:
1: Hvis Compware ikke har noget med BJ-Trading at gøre hvorfor oplyser de så dennes adresse på deres hjemme side?
2: Hvis Compware har en relation til BJ-Trading hvorfor lyver de så om det?
Konklusion er at jeg fremover ikke vil benytte nogen af disse 2 webshops og min anbefaling til alle andre er også at holde sig væk.
Opdatering 18-12-2011: Compware har nu ændret udseende på deres webshop samt fjernet alle referencer til BJ-Tradings adresse og der er IKKE længere nogen fysisk adresse opgivet på websitet.
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
Thursday, February 3, 2011
Mozy - online backup - Unlimited is not unlimited
Unlimited is not unlimited.
First of all I am a true believe of nothing is for free. There will always be a cost someday, somehow.
That has just happened with Mozy.
I started using that online service a couple years ago. Unlimited storage for just $105 for a year. That sounds almost too good to be true. But anyway I decided to go for it since it was so cheap.
On Mozy's homepage they advertise with big letters:
Every Photo, Every Document, Every Memory: Safe with Mozy
And when Mozy in the past has been asked the question: Unlimited, really? The response has always been that for Mozy unlimited means unlimited.
Obviously I setup my backup software to backup all data on my photo pc. That has turned out to be almost 700 GB. It took many months for that to be uploaded but finnally less than 1 month ago the data was finally uploaded. Hooray.
Well yesterday I received a surprising email. It turned out that Mozy never intended to keep their word of unlimited storage. Because I use the service to backup ALL my photos (remember they say Every Photo on the homepage) I am a bad apple that spoils it for everyone else. Forgive me for taking "Every photo" literally. Mozy decided to introduce new quota plans. They say they have done research that tells them that 50 GB for one pc or 125 GB for up to 3 pc's is more than adequate for backup in the year of 2011.
So they introduced new prices. That means if I want to renew my service when it expires in november I have to pay $1680 for 2 pc's for 2 years instead of just $210.
On Mozy's customer forum customers are outraged over this and Mozy people are kept busy editing and deleting posts. They also keep saying that they want to keep their customers but with an 800% increase in price it is crystal clear to me that they do not want me as their customer.
So I will be requesting a refund for the remaining time and then I will delete my account. I will never ever recommend Mozy to anybody.
Loosing Mozy as backup is not catastrophic for me as it has always just been number 6 backup and really just a convenient way of off site backup. But from reading in the Mozy forum it seems that many customers have relied on that service as their only backup.
I will not be replacing Mozy with another online backup solution for two reasons. I don't want to spend months waiting for the backup to complete and second the services that are left that offer "unlimited" storage throttle bandwidth so when the amount of data exceeds 200 GB the upload speed is limited to 100 kbit/s.
So instead I have ordered 2 external harddisks. These will become my future off site backup. I will backup on the first one and then place that off site. I wil then continue backups on the seond disk. After a month or so I will swap the disks around.
First of all I am a true believe of nothing is for free. There will always be a cost someday, somehow.
That has just happened with Mozy.
I started using that online service a couple years ago. Unlimited storage for just $105 for a year. That sounds almost too good to be true. But anyway I decided to go for it since it was so cheap.
On Mozy's homepage they advertise with big letters:
Every Photo, Every Document, Every Memory: Safe with Mozy
And when Mozy in the past has been asked the question: Unlimited, really? The response has always been that for Mozy unlimited means unlimited.
Obviously I setup my backup software to backup all data on my photo pc. That has turned out to be almost 700 GB. It took many months for that to be uploaded but finnally less than 1 month ago the data was finally uploaded. Hooray.
Well yesterday I received a surprising email. It turned out that Mozy never intended to keep their word of unlimited storage. Because I use the service to backup ALL my photos (remember they say Every Photo on the homepage) I am a bad apple that spoils it for everyone else. Forgive me for taking "Every photo" literally. Mozy decided to introduce new quota plans. They say they have done research that tells them that 50 GB for one pc or 125 GB for up to 3 pc's is more than adequate for backup in the year of 2011.
So they introduced new prices. That means if I want to renew my service when it expires in november I have to pay $1680 for 2 pc's for 2 years instead of just $210.
On Mozy's customer forum customers are outraged over this and Mozy people are kept busy editing and deleting posts. They also keep saying that they want to keep their customers but with an 800% increase in price it is crystal clear to me that they do not want me as their customer.
So I will be requesting a refund for the remaining time and then I will delete my account. I will never ever recommend Mozy to anybody.
Loosing Mozy as backup is not catastrophic for me as it has always just been number 6 backup and really just a convenient way of off site backup. But from reading in the Mozy forum it seems that many customers have relied on that service as their only backup.
I will not be replacing Mozy with another online backup solution for two reasons. I don't want to spend months waiting for the backup to complete and second the services that are left that offer "unlimited" storage throttle bandwidth so when the amount of data exceeds 200 GB the upload speed is limited to 100 kbit/s.
So instead I have ordered 2 external harddisks. These will become my future off site backup. I will backup on the first one and then place that off site. I wil then continue backups on the seond disk. After a month or so I will swap the disks around.
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